UP3 - Out with the old, in with the new – Upgrading to ServiceNow Paris

Out with the old, in with the new – Upgrading to ServiceNow Paris

As an Elite ServiceNow Partner, we’re currently going through the process of upgrading several customers to “Paris” – the latest release of the world’s leading digital workflow platform. With a new release every six months, it’s crucial for businesses to use the latest features to maximise their ROI from the ServiceNow platform.

At UP3, we do this day in day out throughout September and October – or “upgrade season” as we like to call it. Our vast experience in customer upgrades, combined with our expert technical team ensures we’re well equipped to run these upgrades problem free. Not only do we offer this service, rather than charging a substantial fee to manage the upgrade for you, we include this offering as part of our Managed Service.

Typically upgrading can be a time-consuming process; with a need for sufficient planning time, as well as ample testing, you may not be able to utilise the new features as soon as you had hoped. That’s where we come in. As an expert boutique partner, we’re well versed in the world of upgrades – so let’s walk you through the process and show you how it’s really done.

Review & Planning

The first step for any of our upgrade activities is always a review – we delve into the ServiceNow release notes to understand the key features and changes within the new release, and look at how these will affect our customer’s current instance. Although it might be tempting to make use of any new features as soon as they’re available, our key focus for the upgrade is always on any changes which will impact business as usual and existing functionality. Once we understand what needs to be done, we set to work creating the upgrade plan and present this back to the customer along with any notable changes. In addition to this, we follow best practice guidelines and recommend a development freeze during the upgrade process to minimise the risk of any compatibility issues. Our expert support team works closely with our customers throughout this time to evaluate the risk of any requests and ensure that any business-critical development is still able to be released during this timeframe. When we’re all on the same page and the timeline has been agreed, we are able to move onto step 2…

Cloning & Technical Testing

Our crack team of ServiceNow experts set to work in backing up any outstanding development and scheduling the updates of all the instances. As part of this process we clone your current production instance, which provides a like for like environment for the upgrade. Then we move on to arguably the most crucial stage in any upgrade; the testing. Our technical team follow ServiceNow best practice and carry out set tasks for conducting both system and functional testing to guarantee every area of the platform is covered and any issues are resolved prior to handing over to the customer for UAT. By completing our own rigorous testing, we ensure that the time commitment and effort needed by the customer is greatly reduced – helping them be confident that the platform is functioning exactly as it should be.

Testing & Production Upgrade

After our in-depth system and functional testing, we hand over to the customer for user acceptance testing; with any issues logged as an upgrade incident to the UP3 Support Team for remediation. When completing this process, your business is our key priority – we work around the clock to ensure all stakeholders are happy with the upgraded test environment. Once official approval has been received, we upgrade the customer to ServiceNow Paris. Once the upgrade is complete our Service Manager will complete another full system test to ensure everything is functioning as expected – so by the time you come online, your system is up and running and ready to go.

We don’t finish there…

Once we’re happy the upgrade is complete, tested and working efficiently, we don’t down tools and call it a day. We conduct multiple follow up sessions to leverage the new features available to each customer. This forms the basis of the customer’s roadmap and ensures they’re receiving maximum ROI from the features they’re paying for within the ServiceNow platform. With countless years in the ServiceNow space, our Managed Service team are well equipped to provide advice and best practice on how to best use the platform. We develop a deep understanding of how your business functions, and align these new features with your strategic objectives.

All of this comes as part of our Managed Service offering, which also includes: core support to resolve incidents and fulfil requests, platform management and performance, enhancements to in-scope applications and processes – and so much more. This offering allows you to outsource the entire management and support of your ServiceNow platform to us so that you can focus on the services your customers really need.

To find out more about what’s included in our Managed Service, simply get in touch and we’ll be more than happy to walk you through the process. Alternatively, our website has some fantastic insights and technical hints and tips to help your business utilise the leading digital workflow platform.

Thanks for reading!

Georg Holzer

Written by:

Georg Holzer

Solution Consultant

22 October 2020

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